About Me

hello there!

My photography eye sees the world, nature, people, and objects in a way that creates excitement in my heart. It motivates me to capture the beauty within those things. I'm a dreamer. I can imagine and think of ideas in my head for a session and go out and create it. Photography is powerful and just by looking at an image you can see the story behind it. Let me tell your story through the beautiful images that we create together. 

"Photography is the story I fail to put into words."
- Destin Sparks

i like to call myself a storyteller

more this way >

If you couldn't already tell from my profile pictures, I was born with a birth defect called cleft lip and palate. What is a cleft lip and palate? It’s when a baby is born with a split in their lip and or palate. Some cases are more severe than others. My case was pretty severe. I’ve had a total of 14 surgeries throughout my life. I was blessed with an amazing team of doctors that I will forever be grateful for. Growing up I was made fun of and heard comments like “your face looks weird” or “what’s wrong with your face?” I honestly, didn’t let it bother me when I was little. In the moment it hurt but I always brushed it off and overall was a very happy kid. My insecurities with my cleft started more in middle school. I was embarrassed about it. I didn’t always feel pretty and I really struggled with how I looked. In high school, I was still insecure but I found worth. Worth in Jesus. If it wasn’t for my relationship with Jesus, I really think my insecurities would still be there. (Don’t get me wrong I’m still insecure about things but not as much as I used to be). One of my favorite verses is Psalms 139:14
"I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”
In high school, I wrote that verse on my mirror with lipstick as a reminder every morning when I got ready. That was the reminder Jesus knew I needed because comparison would always find ways to creep back in. I’m truly grateful for this birth defect. It’s made me strong and I’ve learned what it truly means to find worth in Jesus. Let this be a reminder to you, you are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Don’t ever forget it. 

 - Kellie Kent

I love a good 90's romantic comedy movie

My favorite genre of music is oldies
70's music is my jam!

my favorite food is pickles

An Oat milk matcha latte is my favorite Kind of latte

my favorite season is fall

5 fun facts about me